Magic Link for Offers


Metacafe Producer Reward

Friday, August 29, 2008

Metacafe's Producer Rewards™
rewards you for creating and submitting great videos.

How it works

If your video has what it takes to entertain people, we want to license it and pay you for every view. Every time someone watches your video on Metacafe, you earn money.

How you make money

Metacafe will pay you $5 for every thousand views your video gets on our site. Payment starts after your video reaches 20,000 views and has a rating of 3.00 or higher - which tells us that the viewers like the video. On top of that, the license to Metacafe is a non-exclusive deal - you retain ownership of your video. Metacafe helps build your brand by marketing your content and making you money.

What's the potential?

With well over 1 million unique users per day watching over 400 million videos every month, Metacafe is perfectly placed to deliver the most receptive audience to the most entertaining content. Whether it's something spontaneous in your home or something you've scripted, if it entertains, it has a place on Metacafe.

What are the requirements?

For a video to qualify for Producer Rewards, you must own all the rights to the video and the video must meet certain content guidelines. Please see How Do I Qualify For Producer Rewards? for details.

Get started now!

Upload your video now to Producer Rewards and start earning money.


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