If you don't have a car (its obvious generally that you don't know driving), even so you want to learn that how to drive a car or how car's driving functions work, then you should learn it step by step carefully. Keep this in mind that learning practically is far better and safe than learning orally. In this video you'll learn that how a car's driving functions work. Check it out and give it a practice with an original car.
If you have a business or you're a model or anything special. You obviously need a website to spread yourself or your things. You generally hire any website developer or any online web maker company. Isn't it?. If you can bear their costs .. then its ok .. if not then you don't make a website. If you have a little knowledge about internet (at least), you can make your website yourself. Its not a rocket science. Some online web developing companies offer you to make free website. In this video you'll learn that how can you make your own website free of cost and easily. Maintaining it is also simple. So what are you waiting for. Check it out and start right now.