Slab City
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Today I thought to put a different thing. So I used to have this. Currently top in US search term (Obviously I must put it).
Slab City or 'The Slabs' (located at 33°15′32″N 115°27′59″W) is a camp in the Colorado Desert (southeastern California) used by recreational vehicle owners and squatters from across North America. It takes its name from the concrete slabs and pylons that remain from the abandoned World War II Marine barracks Camp Dunlap there. A group of servicemen remained after the base closed, and the place has been inhabited ever since, although the number of residents has declined since the mid 1980s.
Check out the
Slab City was featured in the book 'Into the Wild' and also in the 2007 movie 'Slab City'. Check out the video to take a look.
Check out some nice Picture of the City :-